1 august 2025
24 oktober 2024
LAST TRAIN turning 40 is a significant milestone, especially for someone who has lived a life full of wild adventures. Experiencing things most people only dream of, diving headfirst into the thrills of life with abuse and disease. Dancing with the highs and stumbled through the
lows - navigating the chaos of drama and debt.
Yet, here we are. Stronger and wiser, with stories that could fill a hundred lifetimes. As we step into this new decade, it's a chance to embrace the lessons learned and look forward to the adventures yet to come.
Still true to that loud, gritty and difficult misfit that came to life one late October night in 1984, but perhaps with a bit more balance -and a lot more clarity. Here's to 40 - a number that marks not just the years, but the incredible journey that brought us here!
The Dahlmanns + the gratitudes

Heading 5

8 desember 2023

first gig
1 september 2023